Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thank you Charlie Sheen.

Gage is winning!

(Was Charlie Sheen onto something? Possibly? I mean, I know he was on something. But, did he have a moment of clarity when he shared his thoughts with the world? I'd like to think so... But we can save our discussion about Charlie for another day.)

My point is: Winning. Conquering. Overcoming. Accomplishing the impossible. Completing something difficult. Crossing that finish line.

Gage is doing that. All of it.

It's still amazing to watch Gage heal. Each physical therapy appointment shows us how far he has come and also reminds us of the what ifs. Where we could have been with this little spirited four year old. And confirms our gratitude for where we are now. The odds were piled up against him. The odds that are still out there, like a threatening thunderstorm. But, we take a deep breath. A quiet sigh of momentarily relief. And then we put up our dukes. We keep fighting. Pushing for Gage's continued strength. For his body to reconnect. To heal.

Throughout this ordeal, we have been blessed with undefeated hope. Hope that has been transmitted and borrowed from you. It has built our endurance and outlasted our fears. It has kept our heads up.

I hope that when you are running on Saturday for Gage some of this miraculous support will be shifted to you. To sustain you as it has sustained us. I hope that when you cross that finish line or bowl a strike and the crowd around you cheers that you feel the love we have felt. The strength of numbers that has aided one little four year old boy.

I hope you know that your support has made all the difference.

And because of you, our Gage is winning.

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