Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Dear You:

If I could give each and every one of you a giant hug, I would. And I'm not talking about a wimpy, two second, pat on the back hug. Or even more awkward, a side hug with a hand shake. I'm talking about a real, all up in your face, bear squeeze. One so tight that it might possibly take your breath away. A hug that encompasses the overwhelming gratitude and love that I have felt from you.

You have taken time from your busy lives and given those precious minutes to us. You have poured out concern for our little Gage. A stranger to many of you. You have sent well-wishes, notes of encouragement and stories of sympathy. In sharing our story, we have found some life long friends. You have been Gage's angels, lightening his burdens.

You have donated your hard earned dollars to ease the strains on this little family. You have given over 80 (!) items to the silent auction to cover piling medical bills. You have committed to run. To support. To come and participate in our little Gage's life and witness the miracle in which you have been a silent partner.

You have dropped off meals, cards and gifts to these bright and thankful brown eyes. You have wrapped your arms around Gretchen and Troy. You have stopped by, to bring some sunshine and share some of your warmth. You have loved Gage. And you have made him feel like he is a super hero.

I feel inadequate. Simply offering you a measly bear hug in return for the freight train of concern and love for Gage that has been sent. It does not quite measure up. Even if it is an up close and personal I'm-not-letting-go-yet hug. A hug, that if you know her, is just like Gretchens'.

But I hope that you feel it. Our sincere gratitude.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

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